Vigilant Maritime Surveillance of Critical Submarine Infrastructure
The aim of VIGIMARE is to strengthen the resilience of critical infrastructure operators against threats to the European submarine critical infrastructure by developing, testing, and evaluating an innovative solution to enhance security and reduce risks of physical and cyber-attacks on submarine cables and pipelines.
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VIGIMARE Objective
The VIGIMARE project takes a systematic approach to strengthen the European critical infrastructure operators' sector of submarine telecommunication cables, power cables and gas pipelines. The analysis as well as the VIGIMARE system will support the CIOs of the submarine network by enhancing their resilience against attacks and damages.

Map of submarine cables in Europe. src: https://www.submarinecablemap.comÂ
The outcomes of this project will also bring the European Maritime Safety Agency’s (EMSA) Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) to this new area of interest.Â
Testing of Solutions
The VIGIMARE project will stress test the solution with data from real incidents and validate it in three different European sea areas (Mediterranean Sea, Irish Sea and Baltic Sea), in order to promote its valuable outcome to the European society.
VIGIMARE will achieve its goal through Four Specific Objectives
Information Sharing
Provide information sharing environment to the CIOs against threats to the EU submarine CI.
Strengthened Situational Awareness
Strengthen the situational awareness of European maritime areas, both offshore and onshore, in order to recognize physical, cyber and hybrid attacks and incidents (both man-made and natural) for both CIOs and the member states, enabling better planning of the response and repairs.
Resilience Increase
Increase the resilience of CIOs against physical, cyber and hybrid threats by implementing risk preventing and risk reducing measures.
Support Compliance
Support the EU member states to fulfil CER and NIS-2 directives’ requirements.
VIGIMARE Methodology
The VIGIMARE's methodology is built around a straightforward innovation methodology which emphasises co-creation and end-users’ feedback throughout all five of its major methodological steps: Analyse, Define & Assess, Develop, Demonstrate and Exploit. The develop phase is further broken down into steps describing the path from data sources via multiple levels of analysis services to the visualization that provides situation awareness to the users.